What's happening...

Daily masses will also resume our normal schedule.
Please continue to pray for those affected by Hurricane Milton. God bless!

click image or here to register

Haga clic aqui or el imagen para registrar a su niños 


Have you been thinking about how
you can honor or memorialize a loved one?
We have an idea for you to consider.  How about having a brick inscribed with a special message and added to our Outdoor Stations of the Cross Pathway? This will be lasting tribute for generations.

The donation for a 4x8 brick with engraving is $125 (minimum donation). Each brick contains up to 3 lines with 18 characters including spaces and punctuations in each line.  The bricks are placed in the pathway randomly, and are a . 

Click here or on the brick image above for a printable form
that you can complete and submit to the Parish Office.


For information, prayers, videos, studies, and more visit Eucharistic Revival


The Bread of Life: Celebrating the Eucharist! | Brother Francis - English -  FORMED

To watch videos and movies on FORMED click here

For the Eucharistic Revival prayers in English y en español click here

Upcoming events


Click here for Bishop Dewane's message /      Clic aqui para el mensaje del Obispo Dewane 

For more information on Voting No on Amendment 3 and 4 click here

For more information on Amendment 4 click HERE
For more Pro-Life information please visit our Pro-Life page

Para obtener más información de Enmienda 4, haga clic AQUI 

Para obtener más información de pro vida, visite nuestra página de Pro-Vida

We Need Your Support

For your convinience, you can securly make your contributions online through WeShare. Click on the image below or by visiting our donations page for more tithing options.

Click here or the image


Para su conveniencia, puede hacer sus contribuciones en línea a través de WeShare. Haga clic en el imagen o vaya a nuestra página de donaciones para obtener más opciones de donación.

Clic aqui o la foto

2024 CFA

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In Scripture it is written, “. . . faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead” (Jm 2:17). Living according to our Catholic faith means doing the good works of Christ here on Earth, glorifying God by serving others.

The Diocese’s annual Catholic Faith Appeal is a call to action, and an opportunity to participate in a meaningful way in the works of charity that enliven our faith. Among the many programs sustained by the Catholic Faith Appeal are evangelization efforts, religious education, formation of future priests, and aid for religious sisters who serve those in need. It also funds housing for the homeless, seniors, and mothers and their children who often have nowhere else to go. In short, it is the lifeblood of the Diocese of Venice.Perhaps you watched a brief video about the Catholic Faith Appeal in your Parish earlier this month. If not, I invite you to watch the video, provided below, to see all that the Catholic Faith Appeal allows us to do, together, each year.

Your generous contribution to this year’s Catholic Faith Appeal will help to keep our faith very much alive here in Southwest Florida!

May the Lord bless you and your family abundantly for your desire to help those among us in need, and I wish you a Blessed Lenten Season.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
+ Frank J. Dewane
Bishop of the Diocese of Venice in Florida

Catholic Faith Appeal 2024 (English) from Diocese of Venice In Florida on Vimeo.

Mis Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

En las Escrituras está escrito: "... la fe por sí misma, si no tiene obras, está muerta" (Jm 2, 17). Vivir de acuerdo con nuestra fe católica significa hacer las buenas obras de Cristo aquí en la Tierra, glorificando a Dios sirviendo a los demás.

La Campaña Anual de Fe Católica de la Diócesis es un llamado a la acción y una oportunidad para participar de manera significativa en las obras de caridad que avivan nuestra fe. Entre los muchos programas sostenidos por la Campaña de Fe Católica se encuentran los esfuerzos de evangelización, la educación religiosa, la formación de futuros sacerdotes y la ayuda a las hermanas religiosas que sirven a los necesitados. También financia viviendas para personas sin hogar, personas mayores y madres y sus hijos que a menudo no tienen otro lugar a donde ir. En resumen, es el alma de la Diócesis de Venice.Tal vez vio un breve video sobre la Campaña de Fe Católica en su Parroquia a principios de este mes. Si no es así, te invito a ver el video, que se proporciona a continuación, para ver todo lo que la Campaña de Fe Católica nos permite hacer, juntos, cada año. 

¡Su generosa contribución a la Campaña de Fe Católica de este año ayudará a mantener viva nuestra fe aquí en el suroeste de Florida!

Que el Señor los bendiga abundantemente a ustedes y a su familia por su deseo de ayudar a los necesitados, y les deseo una bendita temporada de Cuaresma.

Sinceramente suyo en Cristo,
+ Frank J. Dewane
Obispo de la Diócesis de Venice en Florida

Catholic Faith Appeal 2024 (Spanish) from Diocese of Venice In Florida on Vimeo.

An Online Resource

Father Eduardo recommends this website as an excellent resource (especially for those homebound during these difficult times). 


CBB Review AND Giveaway: Formed | Pete Socks
Click on the picture above or here to create your FREE account today to enjoy all the great Catholic material on Formed.org 

Click here or on the picture above for "This Week on Formed.org"

Parish News






  • Sun, Oct 13th

  • Sun, Oct 6th

Mass Schedule


Vigil:  Saturday 3:30pm and 5:00pm

Sunday Schedule:
7:30am, 9:00am, and 10:30am

12:00pm (Mass in Spanish)

Monday - Friday: 7:30, and 9:00am
Saturday:   9:00am
National Holidays: 9:00am

First Fridays:
7:00pm (Mass in Spanish)

Mass with Anointing:
2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00am 


See our weekly bulletinand social media for information on specific feast day schedules.

Confession Schedule

(or by appointment)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday: 7:00-8:30pm

Friday: 2:30-4:30pm
Divine Mercy at 3:00pm

Saturday: 6:30-8:00pm (simultaneous with Confessions, a special invitation offered to Families)


Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday:
8:00am - 12:00pm, 12:30pm - 4:00pm
Closed 12:00-12:30pm

Church/Chapel Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:00am - 2:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 5:00pm

Other Prayer

Holy Hour & Rosary: Saturday - 8:00 am

Daily Rosary: Monday - Friday - 8:25 am

Prayer for Priests: 9:30 am (immediately following 9 am Mass), Marian Chapel


Parish School

Mrs. Bambi Giles, Principal
Mr. Andrew Hamstra, Assistant Principal

Parish Staff

Parish Mailing Address

2628 Del Prado Blvd S.
Cape Coral, FL 33904

You can find directions here



Saint Andrew Catholic School The Holy See
Venice, FL - Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida
Home - Diocese of Venice United States Conference of Bishops
Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops